Monday, November 30, 2009


Only 1 Monday left for me. Next Monday is my last Monday for this semester. As you have all heard Angie and I are going to Las Vegas on the 14th of December for 5 days, I just can't wait!!!!!
Thanksgiving was good, I got to spend time with my nieces and I also got to work over the weekend, now I won't see them til Feb or March. That sucks!!!! The next time I see them I will probably have a new niece. My poor boy are so out numbered, it is 3 to 7.
Over the weekend my grandpa started puking up stomach acid, and thats not a good thing, not with having stomach cancer. I'm not sure what's going to happen with that but I sure hope he doesn't pass away before I go to Vegas or well I'm gone. If that would happen my vaccation would suck!!!! That's all for now.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Well here we are the day after Thanksgiving. Hope you all had a great Turkey Day, mine was good. We went to my mothers for diner, I played with my nieces, after diner the adults played dice, I almost won, but my grandpa had the lowest score. I had to work the night shift at the nursing home Thursday night, it was a good night. Today is black Friday, I hope none of you were crazy enough to go shopping. I did the black Friday shopping once about 3 yrs ago, and I will never do it again!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend, see you in class Monday. By the way my grandpa is still going ok, now he is loosing his balance and falling down a lot. I think when this semester is over I'm gonna have to go take care of him, grandma says she can't hardly do it anymore. I don't want to see him go to a nursing home.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

getting closer

Time is going by way to fast, but in a way that's a good thing. In 3 weeks from now I will be on a plane heading to Las Vegas. The thing I can't wait for the most is to see the look on my kids faces when they find out we are flying. We have been telling the boys that we are taking a bus all the way to Vegas, and they believe us, ha ha. I'm hoping we can keep the surprise until the 14th of December. Angie has been telling her son Brady, who is the same age as my boys that we are taking the bus so he doesn't rune the surprise, but he wants to take the bus with us. We have told the boys that the bus leaves from the airport just like the planes do, I can't believe that they haven't figured it out yet. I'm glad that they don't know!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Another messy weekend

Well, it's Monday morning and I noticed on my way to school that the deer were not very fortunate this weekend. There were 6 dead deer on or along the road this morning, all within the first 6 miles of Houston, Yikes that's a lot!!! No I didn't hit any of them. My boyfriend on the other hand hit his first deer on Thursday night up by Leroy, MN, thankfully he hit the deer with his semi and not his car. He said he hit the buck doing 65, and all he saw were antlers with nothing attached to them. The car that was behind him had stopped to make sure he was ok, and told him the deer was still rolling down the highway when he swerved to miss the mess. Gross!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1 down, 4 to go

Well, this week I fineshed up with my math class. Yea!!!! Now I have to retake the math portion of the compass test. Hopfully my math class was worth taking. Now that I'm done with that class now I will have more time for my other 4 classes, which is a good thing, being I need to be done with all my classes before the 14th of Dec. In Dec. my family and Angie's family are going to Las Vegas, can't wait!!!! We have been looking forward to this since June.
I can't wait to see the look on my boys faces when they find out we are flying, they think we are taking the bus. It is there Christmas present so I am hoping we can keep it a secrete until then.
I don't know how many of you like Redneck jokes, but I do, so here's a Redneck joke.
Why are city girls afraid to make love to Redneck boys? They think the skoal ring in their back pocket is their condom size.
I have 1 more.
"Hello, is this the sheriff's office?" "Yes, what can I do for you?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor, Virgil Smith...... He's hiding marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs, but he's hiding in there." "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day the sheriff's deputies descend on Virgil's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept, using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave. Shortly, the phone rings at Virgil's house. "Hey, Virgil this here's Floyd...... Did the sheriff come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your wood?" "Yep!" "Happy Birthday buddy!" (Rednecks know how to get-eR-dun.) I just thought I would share these with you guys, I thought they were funny, hope you enjoy them too.
Just an update on my grandpa, he is doing good. He has not taken the four wheeler out lately, but he did drive to Hokah the other day, my mother told me it was a scary thing!